God is in control!

Greetings to Bishop & Sister Taylor and my beloved brethren in Jesus’ name! I give thanks to God for His love towards me and his goodness to me. We are here to encourage one another at this time when we have this COVID-19 around us. We have never seen this before,...

We are blessed!

Jeremiah 17:7 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, These days are hard for so many of us, as we express our love for our neighbours and share our pastoral love in ways that are strange – by phone, WhatsApp, Zoom, by keeping our distance and navigating our faith...

Prayer in Action!

Members and friends of NTCG Sheffield, Please accept heartfelt greetings from my family to yours. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much I appreciate you, pray for you and look forward to a time when we can meet face to face for times of...

Praise and Give Thanks!

Dear Brethren, I greet you all and hope everyone is keeping safe and well in the mighty name of Jesus. It is rather unfortunate that our current situation remains unchanged following the arrival of this deadly COVID19 at this time in our history. Many are still dying...

We are the Church

  Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet you all in the mighty and powerful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our soon coming King. I hope you and your families are well and keeping yourselves safe during this very challenging period. Just because we are not...