Pastor’s Greeting
It’s a distinct pleasure of ours to welcome you to the New Testament Church of God here in Sheffield. We do believe you will find this place to be warm and friendly – warmth and friendliness being distinct characteristics of so many people in the North of England.
We are honoured that you would seek to find out more about who we are and what we do. With such a plethora of places to worship in the city of Sheffield, I do not take it for granted that you have considered visiting us, getting to know us and ultimately worshipping with. Every individual at NTCG Sheffield, be they members, friends or visitors are an important part of the life of this church. All of you can help in some way to ensure that we become a true community, connected for the purposes of Christian worship, building confidence and purpose in each other and making a difference in our community.
Our vision statement for this church is “One in Worship, One in Giving, One in Serving”. We welcome you to be a part of this vision for church and community. Bring yourself, bring your family, bring your friends….you are so very important to us.
Thank you.
Bishop Winston Taylor
Senior Pastor & Overseer of the NTCG Sheffield district of churches.