New Converts
The purpose of the nurturing programme of our church is to help to ground new Christians in God’s word, as an essential and critical part of their development process. Further to develop their faith and help them to develop great patterns for Christian living.
It is important to understand that spiritual maturity does not take place overnight, but comes through strong guidance and a long-term commitment on the part of the new convert.
We want to help the new Christian grow in an atmosphere and ambience of love, support, encouragement and acceptance.
The nurturing programme does not only provide instruction, but it also encourages the believer to apply what they have heard to their daily living. This will give the new believer a practical application to their faith and help build confidence in what they believe.
What do we ask from you? That you attend as many classes as possible, be they at church, at a meeting place elsewhere or online. The more you know, the better you will be able to be grounded and developed in your faith.